The Ultimate Guide to become fluent in English.

Looking to become fluent in English? Our Platform offers online courses to help you to achieve your language goals. Start your journey today and learn English Online. .


Easy to use and accessible anywhere / anytime with user friendly interface.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Comprehensive Curriculum

We offer a curriculum that covers all aspects of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing..

Expert Instructors

Expert Instructors

Experienced and qualified instructors who are very skilled in teaching english.

Interactive Learning Resources

Interactive Learning Resources

Our Platform provides learners with a range of interactive learning resources, such as videos, audio recordings, quizzes, and games.

Test Your level

Our platform offers a comprehensive level testing service that covers all aspects of the language. We provide learners with a detailed report on their strengths and weaknesses in grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening to help them choose the right course.

English Oasis Courses

Welcome to English Oasis! We offer diverse English language courses designed for learners of all levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation in English, an intermediate learner aiming to improve your language skills, or an advanced student aspiring to enhance your proficiency, we have courses tailored to meet your needs.

Our Students Feedback


I am incredibly proud of the progress I have made with English Oasis. The teachers here understand my needs accurately and provide the necessary support. I truly believe that I have grown immensely in my English language skills thanks to this amazing platform!

Faisal Abdulrahman

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Since joining English Oasis, I have noticed significant improvement in my confidence in the English language. The teachers have a unique way of making the lessons enjoyable and interactive. A safe space for learning and exploration, highly recommended for life-changing experiences.!

Yasmin Abbas

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English Oasis is the place that truly helped me achieve my goals in learning the English language. The teachers here are understanding, motivating, and extremely supportive. I am grateful for the amazing experience and excellent education I have received here.

Ahmed Al-Khatib

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I cannot describe how happy I am to have joined English Oasis. The teachers here are professional and committed to providing an excellent educational experience. My reading skills have improved significantly, and I feel more confident in my English abilities. I highly recommend English Oasis.

Layla Al-Sulaiman

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Flexible and personalised Learning

Flexible and personalised Learning.

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From the Blog

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10 Reasons to Learning English

English has become the global language of communication, and its importance cannot be overstated. Whether you’re a student, a professional,

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